FIELD: medicine; ophthalmology.
SUBSTANCE: at first, Gemase solution 0.2-0.3 ml is introduced through a projection of flat ciliary apparatus into vitreal cavity. It is followed with corneal paracentesis on limb and primary tunnel self-sealing corneal incision. Anterior chamber is filled with viscoelastic. Continuous circular capsulorexis of anterior phacocyst, hydrodissection and hydrodelineation of natural crystalline lens, nucleus rotation and phacoemulsification are performed. Cortical mass of crystalline lens is removed. If signs of complete posterior separation of vitreous body are observed, continuous circular capsulorexis and subtotal virectomy are applied. After that an intraocular lens is implanted.
EFFECT: most complete removal of vitreous body, minimised risk of haemorrhage, damage of retina, development of traction syndrome and proliferation.
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