FIELD: agriculture.
SUBSTANCE: as per the method material is fixed for cytological tests, microslide is prepared, cytogenetic indexes are measured. Graph is constructed: index - time, based whereon daily rhythm of the index is evaluated. If the increase and decrease of the index value within 24 hours is less than 3 fold, then single experimental value of the index under study is derived at any of the investigated hours. Thereafter it is compared with the confidence interval, calculated beforehand on the bases of the experimental data, if it falls within the interval, then other values of the index are calculated at any hour of the day from the expression: where N - polynom degree, j=1…M, where M - number of view points, ai - polynominal coefficients, calculated within the least square method (LSM), yj - values of experimentally derived cytogenetic indexes, xj - observation point in time, yn - value of the predicted cytogenetic index, xn - prognoses point in time.
EFFECT: reduced duration of the cytogenetic test.
6 dwg, 1 ex