FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: invention can be used when determining location of surface radio sources. The disclosed method involves measurement of eigen coordinates x(k), z(k) on-board direction-finding aircraft using an inertial navigation system, the heading angle y(k) and the bearing of the radio source φs(k); an on-board computer system breaks down the area around the radio source with roughly determined Cartesian coordinates xi, zi into rectangles with coordinates of centres xi zi; for each rectangle and all direction-finding points, the expected values of bearings φij(k) are calculated using the formula where x(k), z(k) are coordinates of the direction-finding aircraft at the k-th point of finding the direction of the radio source, Xi(k), Zj(k) are coordinates of the centre of the rectangle, ψ(k) is the heading of the direction-finding aircraft at the k-th point of finding the direction of the radio source; the extremum of the cross-correlation function realisation of φs(k) and φij(k) or the quality functional
is calculated, where K is the number of direction-finding points, g(k) is the weight coefficient, φs(k) is the measurement of the bearing of the radio source, φij(k) is the calculated bearing value; coordinates of the radio source are calculated and then delivered to consumers.
EFFECT: high accuracy of determining location of surface radio sources and shorter time spent on obtaining acceptable results in single-position direction-finding systems.
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