FIELD: electricity.
SUBSTANCE: distance to short circuit place and short circuit resistance is determined by means of voltage and current values, measurement at stations (A) and (B) before and after the short circuit appears. Based on the consumption that short circuit appears in the line section between station A and device from series capacitor and metal-oxide varistor there determined is synchronisation angle δA in ejδA units. Based on the consumption that short circuits appear in the line section between station B and device from series capacitor and metal oxide varistor there determined is synchronisation angle δB in ejδв units. Then, taking into account the model of line with distributed parameters, distance to short circuit (dA) or (dB) is determined by the following formula: dA=PscdLA, dB =(1-psc)dLB where: dLA, dLB - hypothetic distance to short circuit, which is expressed in the ratio to length (pscℓ), the value of which is obtained by means of iterative method using ejδB and ejδA. The, equivalent impedance of compensation block at the short circuit stage and
is calculated using the values after short circuit of measured voltage and currents, and equivalent impedance of compensation block before short circuit (ZSC1_pre) is calculated in order to determine which of the distances (dA) or (dB) is final result.
EFFECT: design load is reduced and accurate synchronisation is provided.
2 cl, 12 dwg