FIELD: food industry.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to engineering biology and comparative environmental bioindication. The method involves collecting leaves from registered birch trees and measurements of each leaf collected. During measurement, each leaf is placed with the side turned towards the spring top. For measurement, a calliper compass and a ruler are used. Leaves are sampled from each birch from at least two birch groves growing under conditions different in terms of air pollution with hanging shortened springs orientation by cardinal point with the help of a compass. The width of sample leaves collected is measured on the left and on the right with leaf halves. One additionally measures (to the left and to the right from the leaf halves) the length of the second order vein which is the second from the base. Then statistic modelling is performed based on the measurement data. Comparative indication of the ecological condition of the environment round the birch groves is performed based on the obtained statistical indicators.
EFFECT: technology allows to increase measurement accuracy for quality evaluation of ambient air pollution.
5 cl, 13 tbl, 10 dwg