FIELD: agriculture.
SUBSTANCE: method comprises the discharge of water from the polder area, which is divided into strip bands with the width of 50-60 metres. Along the river the open discharge collectors 2 are placed with direct slope between the strip bands. For better surface runoff and discharge from soil depth of water the collectors 2 are made with the profile of trapezoidal cross-section with the large base upwards. The top of the edge of the collectors 2 remains with the width of 1.0 m, along its length shrub plantings are placed. The discharge of groundwaters from strip bands is carried out through the smooth slopes of the collectors 2 with their simultaneous self-cleaning from accumulated soil. The edges of the strip bands are made with the duo-pitch profile in the form of smooth slopes of the open discharge collectors 2 with a positive slope angle parallel to the river flow. On the borders of the strip bands, namely the edges of the collector with the width of 1.0 m, the soil-protection shrub plantings are planted. The collectors 2 are connected to the accumulating open discharge channel 3 with a slope down to the river in the direction away from the accumulation places of drainage water in a place where there is no its impact on the flooding of the collectors. At the end of the discharge channel 3 the reinforcing structures 4 are arranged. In discharging the excess water of perched water in flooding the areas the shrub plantings enable to discharge water with streams into the collectors, and the positive slope angle of the collectors in parallel to the river flow enables to clean effectively with the water flow of the collector cavity.
EFFECT: this technology enables to perform removal of excess surface water and gravitational water from the soil layer depth, to align the fertility of hayfields - pasture lands between the open discharge collectors, to create powerful herbage and to provide expanded reproduction of fertility and to increase yields of herbs grown on polders undergoing prolonged flooding.
3 cl, 3 dwg