FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: in the claimed method, the particles injected into the accelerator are accelerated by pulses of the induction electric field, which are synchronized with the current pulses of the accelerated beam. The pulses are synchronized with the help of time-of-flight sensors. The azimuthal stability of the accelerated particles is provided by the top shape of the induction pulses. Closed particle orbits during their acceleration are formed by multiple reflection of the particles from dipoles. As a result of multiple reflection, the injected particles, with extremely low energy, move along the chords of the accelerated particle circular orbit. The trajectory deviation magnitude of the injected and accelerated particles depends on the number of reflecting dipoles. Vertical defocusing of particles is compensated by the fields of the deflecting dipoles at the input and output of the beam deflecting sections. On rectilinear sections, the particles are focused by quadrupole lenses and, after acceleration, are removed.
EFFECT: expanding the energy range of the accelerated particles by significant reducing the lower energy threshold associated with the loss of particles with low energy, the possibility of abandoning the use of pre-accelerators of particles and simplifying the operation of the accelerator.
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