FIELD: metallurgy.
SUBSTANCE: manufacturing method of the band from the magnetically soft alloy with the thickness less than 0.6 mm, suitable for mechanical cutting, includes the cold rolling of the band, obtained by the semi-finished product hot rolling. The band is then subjected to continuous annealing by passing through the continuous furnace at the temperature ranging from the ordering/disordering transfer temperature of the alloy up to the starting temperature of the ferritic-austenite alloy transformation, the speed of the band moving is set so, that the band retention time in the continuous furnace at the annealing temperature is less than 10 minutes. The band cooling rate, going out the continuous furnace in the interval between the ordering/disordering transfer temperature of the alloy and 200°C, exceeds 600°C/h. Then provide cooling up to the temperature of less than 200°C.
EFFECT: bands have the high plasticity for the further mechanical cutting.
16 cl, 10 tbl, 8 ex