FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: method for clusterizing map areas from cartographic information comprises: segmenting the digital image on the map areas by the server, each of which has a corresponding position on the digital image, each position is determined by the first coordinate and the second coordinate, the first and the second coordinates are the first and the second lines of Gray codes, respectively; calculating a unique bit sequence for each map area based on the first and the second coordinates; determining the first generation of map areas by the cluster server based on the corresponding unique bit sequence of each map area and the predetermined size value; and determining the second generation cluster server for the map areas based on the corresponding unique bit sequence for each map area in the first generation cluster, the predetermined size value and the predetermined offset value.
EFFECT: reducing the amount of memory and processing power required when clustering points of interest on the map.
24 cl, 11 dwg, 2 tbl