FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to fiber-optic technology and is intended for use in the creation of fiber-optical introscopes and remote power sources based on waveguides. Input devices of incoherent optical radiation in waveguides contains consistently mounted on the same optical axis and an optically coupled mirror, a source of incoherent optical radiation, a lens and a waveguide; a light filter, a block of gradient rod lenses, and Y-branches are additionally introduced. Lens is equipped with a catadioptric ring and the lens has a cylindrical hole on the optical axis, the mirror is designed as a counter reflector with an internal mirror coating in a side opening of which the lens with the catadioptric ring is mounted, and the source of incoherent optical radiation is located inside the reflector so that its optical axis coincides with the optical axis of the reflector and lenses located on the same line, with the block of gradient rod lenses, Y-branches and the waveguide located one behind the other, and the light filter is located in front of the block of gradient rod lenses.
EFFECT: technical result is the improved efficiency of radiation input from the source of incoherent optical radiation into the waveguide.
1 cl, 1 dwg