FIELD: power engineering.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to power engineering and is intended for use at nuclear power plants (NPP) with water-cooled reactors. Method of uninterrupted electric power supply of auxiliary needs of NPP containing additional steam-turbine plant (STP). Additional STP works for power supply for users of auxiliary needs, used in process of reactor cooling with shutdown, including: additional electric pump, condensate pumps of main and additional STP, primary and secondary circulation pumps STP, main and extra oil pumps STP. At complete de-energisation of NPP, an additional steam-turbine plant continues uninterruptedly to generate electric power by using steam produced in steam generators due to energy of residual heat release of the reactor core. Excess part of generated steam is directed via QAP-k to main and additional capacitors STP.
EFFECT: invention allows to ensure uninterrupted power supply to NPP for its own needs at complete blackout of station by using residual heat release of reactor core for steam generation.
3 cl, 1 dwg