FIELD: data processing.
SUBSTANCE: present invention relates to transactions between a client system and a vendor system. Such a result is achieved by receiving a request for a digital token; system of the payer is operated to generate one digital token, wherein the digital token comprises a cost field; operation of the payer system to assign a token value in the value field, recognized by the payer system and the payee system; system of the payer is implemented to encrypt a digital token using an issuer system public key; transmitting, from a system of a payer, a digital token which has been encrypted into an issuer system for authorization, wherein client identification data remain anonymous with respect to issuer system; operation of the issuer system is performed to authorize a digital token based on the digital token decryption, that to generate authorized digital token; receiving, in the payer system, an authorized digital token from the issuer system, if authorization is successful; transmitting, from the payer system, an authorized digital token to the recipient system in exchange for the article and operating the issuer system to verify the authenticated digital token reliability, which was sent to payee system to confirm digital token authorization.
EFFECT: technical result consists in improvement of reliability and safety of transaction system.
21 cl, 8 dwg