FIELD: invention relates to panoramic television surveillance.
SUBSTANCE: panoramic television surveillance is performed by a computer system using a television camera providing a circular view in a spherical area, occupying two oppositely located spherical layers. At the same time, for each of these spherical layers, the television monitoring of the situation in a real time mode is carried out in a spatial angle of 360 degrees in azimuth and tens of degrees in elevation. The result is achieved by the fact that the second sensor unit is additionally introduced into the television camera composition, which is installed on the guidance unit and contains the first and second matrix photo detectors manufactured following the technology of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) structures; the first beam splitter located at the output the first panoramic lens, the second beam splitter located at the output of the second panoramic lens, a sync selector, an electronic mark generator "cross", a mixer, the output of which is the output of "Video 1" of a television camera, and the second multiplexer, the output of which is the output of "Video 2" of a television camera. This ensures the reproduction of a combined image on the computer monitor screen, which, in relation to the initially presented image, consists of a priori selected area with the necessary magnification (scaling) and the remaining part of it with an unchangeable scale.
EFFECT: technical result is to provide the possibility of visual control of the selected areas of the panoramic scaled-up image simultaneously with the observation of the panoramic scene entirely by the selective scaling method.
3 cl, 2 tbl., 9 dwg