FIELD: cloud technologies.
SUBSTANCE: pump system contains a pump, an engine, a bearing assembly, an integrated data collection system and combined programmable logic controller (hereinafter – PLC), data collection means and modem. The pump is connected to a pump shaft, which responds to the force of the pump shaft and pumps the liquid. The engine is connected to the pump shaft, responds to VFD/VSD control signals and outputs the force to the pump shaft to set it in motion. The bearing assembly contains a pump shaft bearing mounted on this shaft and connects the pump and the engine. A variable frequency/speed drive (hereinafter – VFD/VSD) receives PLC control signals and provides the output of VFD/VSD control signals for the engine drive. The integrated data collection system responds to PLC data collection signals and provides signals of integrated data collection system containing information about integrated set of pump system parameters associated with the pump, bearing assembly, engine and VFD/VSD drive in the pump system.
EFFECT: combined programmable logic controller (PLC), data collection means and modem provide PLC data collection and provide the output of integrated signals of PLC data collection modem exporting parameters to the Internet to provide remote manual control of the pump system and the transmission of PLC control signals to control VFD/VSD drives and control the pump system as a controlled feedback system.
16 cl, 7 dwg