FIELD: oil and gas industry.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the oil and gas industry and can be used in the production of hydrocarbons, for example, from oil deposits, gas and oil deposits, oil and gas deposits, gas condensate deposits, oil and gas condensate deposits, gas deposits. A hydrocarbon production method includes recovering a hydrocarbon-containing fluid from a hydrocarbon reservoir. Separation of gas from fluid containing hydrocarbons. The gas separated from the hydrocarbon-containing fluid is combusted with air in the power plant with the possibility of forming a compressed air-gas mixture prior to said combustion. The compressed air-gas mixture contains air and gas separated from the hydrocarbon-containing fluid. Off-gas is discharged from the power plant, the carbon dioxide-containing off-gas component is recovered from the off-gas, and the carbon dioxide-containing component is liquefied. The carbon dioxide-containing component is injected into the hydrocarbon reservoir through at least one well.
EFFECT: increased oil recovery in the development of oil fields, reduced energy consumption for the injection process, increased generated power and increased the amount of energy generated.
21 cl, 2 dwg