FIELD: space technology.
SUBSTANCE: inventions group relates to space technology, in particular to vehicles for moving on the surface of the Moon and other celestial bodies. The mobile module for supporting extra-cabin activities of cosmonauts on the lunar surface contains a supporting truss frame, a running gear, a battery, radio telemetry and antenna equipment, a control panel and a control stick, means of fixing the cosmonaut in the spacesuit. The module also includes motor-wheels with a quasi-gas filler with the ability to rotate the wheels around its own vertical axis by 360°, a deck with a fixation platform with means for fixing spacesuit boots, a front hood, a bumper and handrails, an astronaut fixation and cushioning unit in a semi-rigid spacesuit in position "standing". Said assembly contains a magnetic latch made in the form of an annular magnet, a helical spring attached to the frame and a spherical yoke. The receiving socket with an annular magnet is installed in response to the waist power frame of the cosmonaut's semi-rigid spacesuit. In the rear part of the frame there is a semi-rigid stop for the spacesuit satchel, a highly directional antenna, several boxes for various purposes, and in the front part of the frame there is a remote control with a motion control knob, an onboard life support system containing gas cylinders, a supply and recharging unit with consumable components with a hose bundle, docked with a spacesuit.
EFFECT: safety of extra-cabin activities of cosmonauts on the lunar surface is increased.
2 cl, 4 dwg