FIELD: quality control.
SUBSTANCE: quality control of surfaces of solids by optical methods, namely, the detection of defects and micro-objects on flat surfaces of conductive and semi-conductive products by recording the difference in the excitation efficiency of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) - a type of p-polarized surface electromagnetic waves [1], on surface areas with inhomogeneities due to SPP excitation conditions on homogeneous surface areas, used in microelectronics and optical instrumentation (for example, to control the quality of surface preparation of semiconductor wafers, substrates of integrated optical devices, laser mirrors, etc.). The invention is based on the task of developing such a method of SPP microscopy, which would allow choosing the required lateral resolution during measurements in an air atmosphere without applying an optically dense cover layer to the surface under study.
EFFECT: possibility of controlling the lateral resolution of SPP microscopy by the proposed method is achieved as a result of changing the dielectric constant of the area of the surface of the semiconductor sample studied by probing terahertz radiation.
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