FIELD: photosensors.
SUBSTANCE: means for detecting defects in multi-channel infrared photosensitive modules with a time delay and accumulation mode. The detection of chains of defective elements in the channels of the infrared photosensitive module is provided by processing the signals and noise of the chains of channels of the photodetector using the general criterion for the presence of defective elements in the chain. The main difference between the general criterion and the criteria used in the known method is that the new criterion is a rule in which the format parameters of the infrared photosensitive module are present in the form of variables. Detection of chains of defective elements in the channels of the infrared photosensitive module provides an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio in the channels of the photodetector due to the fact that the most noisy chains in one channel are selected. The selected chains are checked for the presence of defective elements by means of a new criterion. Other chains in other channels of the infrared photosensitive module are checked in the same way.
EFFECT: increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of the channels of an infrared photosensitive module of an arbitrary format with a time delay and accumulation mode due to deselection of chains of defective elements in the photodetector channels.
1 cl, 7 dwg