FIELD: microwave measurement technology. SUBSTANCE: in order to determined noise temperature T1, noise signal is supplied from standard noise sources having noise temperature T2 and Tn to input of auxiliary amplifier whose noise temperature is similar to that of amplifier under test, and noise-signal power levels T1 and T2 are respectively measured at its output. Then noise signal is applied to input of amplifier under test from standard noise source having noise temperature P1; noise-signal power level at the output is varied to value equal to measured value of P2 at output of auxiliary amplifier, whereupon noise-signal power level is varied once more at its output to level equal to measured value of T2; value M of this variation is measured and noise temperature P2 of amplifier under test is determined using equation given in description of invention. EFFECT: improved measurement accuracy of high-gain (20-60 dB and higher) microwave amplifier noise temperature due to including linearity of their gain while applying noise signals having noise temperature P1 and Tn to its input. 1 dwg