FIELD: radio engineering. SUBSTANCE: method is intended for measurement of noise temperature of SHF amplifiers, wide-band or of frequency ranges not provided with reference sources of noise signal. Power level P1 of noise signal is measured across output of measured amplifier matched by input in specified bandwidth, noise signal from output of reference amplifier matched by input and certified by equivalent noise temperature Tn and gain factor Kg is sent to input of mentioned measured amplifier. Power level P2 of noise signal across output of measured amplifier is measured in mentioned specified bandwidth. Power level P3 of noise signal across output of matched load is also measured in mentioned specified bandwidth at ambient temperature Tams. After this ratio γ of difference of levels P1-P3 to difference of levels P2-P1 is found and noise temperature Tn of measured amplifier is determined from expression Tn=γ/α[(T-Tams)]-Tams+Tams/Kg, where α is attenuation of noise signal from source with noise temperature T to input of measured amplifier on measurement frequency Tn rel. units; Kg is gain factor of measured amplifier on measurement frequency Tn, rel.units. EFFECT: enhanced precision of measurements. 1 dwg