FIELD: molecular biology. SUBSTANCE: recombinant plasmide pNLM, being 14.7 thousand pairs of nucleotides large, is developed. It provides for high production synthesis of proline and enhanced osmotic stability of bacterial cells. The plasmide has a PstI being a fragment of vector plasmide pLMI being 11.7 thousand pairs of nucleotides large and a PstI being a fragment of chromosome F′104 DNA factor of SU-1604 E. coli strain being 3041 pairs of nucleotides large. The fragment has proline biosynthesis gens prob-osm-pro A, Eco PI, PstI, BgIII and SalGI sites as well as genetic markers tet providing for Tetracyclinum resistance. The plasmide shows stability in 100% of cells in 100 generations observed. EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness in producing strains of microorganisms for agricultural purposes. 4 dwg, 1 tbl