FIELD: transport engineering. SUBSTANCE: method includes following operations: hydrofoil (wing) is moved at acceleration to speed determined by equation given in Description and simultaneously incidence relative to hull is changed from zero to such magnitude which is determined on the condition of maximum instantaneous value of efficiency of hydrofoil (wing) stipulated by expression given in Description. Then motion of hydrofoil (wing) is continued at attained magnitudes of speed and incidence; at slowing-down section, incidence is chapped to zero, after which hydrofoil (wing) is moved in opposite direction at the same speed and incidence, but with reverse sign; then cycle is repeated. Device for creating the thrust consists of at least one hydrofoil (wing) hinged to strut and drive for its motion, servo-tab and its control mechanism; servo-tab is hinged to hydrofoil (wing) by means of bracket; servo-tab is also connected with control mechanism. EFFECT: enhanced reliability. 3 cl, 2 dwg