FIELD: measurement technology. SUBSTANCE: invention is related to methods of test of stress-deformed state of ferromagnetics by residual magnetization of metal and can be used in various branches of industry. Procedure includes simultaneous measurement of normal component Hp of magnetic field in two points of section of line fixed by length lb, simultaneous measurement of same component Hp in two points at ends of section complanarly distant along surface of article by distance lk from first section, measurement of Hp in two points at equal distance lk from each previous section of measurement. If change of sign of component Hp is detected in points of measurement then gradients and
across sections lb and lk fixed by length are determined, above-mentioned gradients are compared and maximum value of one of them is used to define zone of maximum deformation. Scanning device incorporates two ferrosonde transmitters installed in body, wheels, axle, perforated wheel coupled to above-mentioned wheels with use of kinematic transmission, photo-optical sensor. Ferrosonde transmitters are mounted for change of distance between them. EFFECT: decreased measurement error and duration. 9 cl, 12 dwg