FIELD: radio engineering. SUBSTANCE: gear determining position mobile station has first and second antennas of base station spaced apart by distance equivalent to length of wave of transmission channel of mobile station multiplied by coefficient, for instance, half, found in advance. First converter with frequency decrease and second converter with frequency decrease convert signals received from first and second antennas to signals of basic frequency band and convert signals of basic frequency band to digital form coming as elementary digitized data. First channel demodulator and second channel demodulator reconstruct elementary digitized data received from first and second converters with frequency decrease and output information on start of symbol and pseudorandom noise code of signal of particular mobile station. Controller outputs pseudorandom noise code for identification of particular mobile station and information on position of " finger "on basis of information on start of symbol and pseudorandom noise code received from first and second demodulators. In addition information on orthogonal codes can be supplied from demodulator to controller. In this case controller will generate information related to particular Walsh code. Unit extracting symbolic data extracts two symbols of particular mobile station from elementary digitized data received from first and second converters with frequency decrease on basis of information on pseudorandom noise code and position of " finger ". Unit evaluating angle of incidence evaluates angle of incidence of received signal proceeding from difference of phases between two extracted symbols. Unit evaluating position evaluates position of particular mobile station on basis of evaluated angle of incidence and delay in propagation of signal in forward and backward directions measured for given mobile station. EFFECT: increased efficiency of location of position of mobile station. 20 cl, 5 dwg