FIELD: medicine, prophylaxis. SUBSTANCE: one should determine initial physiological and psychological body states. Starvation should be carried out during the first four days. At the background of starvation on the first and next day intestinal purification should be conducted, and hepatic purification - on the third and fourth day. During purification procedures it is necessary to perform lectures to develop positive mood in patients. Exercises of curative gymnastics and khatkha-yogi should be done at the background of verbal explanation of the sense of exercises performed and their impact upon organ's activity. Blue-clay applications are put upon active points. Massage is carried out along the main meridians and abdominal massage is conducted by Tsi Nei Tszan technique. Since the fifth day patient's diet is supplemented with porridges and salads by using fresh vegetables. During the whole course of therapy it is necessary to perform the so-called cat's running at simultaneous diaphragmatic and abdominal types of respiration. Functional diagnostics by EAV method is daily carried out. EFFECT: higher efficiency of sanitation. 2 cl