FIELD: mechanical engineering. SUBSTANCE: device for periodic measurement of flow velocity Vx is provided with measuring line connected with total and static pressure line and electronic unit. Mounted along measuring line at distance Lo from each other are two ultrasonic transducers working in acoustic signal (sounding impulses) radiation and reception mode. At the beginning of first cycle of measurement, sequence of standard pulses is formed ; repetition period of these pulses is equal to doubled interval of passage of distance Lo at Vx=0 by sounding impulses at temperature of water in pipe line below minimum permissible limit. Instantaneous and total flow rate are judged from frequency and number of separated standard pulses. Electronic unit includes standard pulse generator, two sounding impulse generators, two amplifiers, nine electronic switches, two logic AND-gates, four rectifiers, five diodes and recording and indicating circuit. EFFECT: enhanced accuracy of measurement due to effect of temperature of medium under test on sound velocity. 3 cl, 4 dwg