FIELD: converter engineering. SUBSTANCE: proposed method is designed for controlling transistor converters incorporating single-phase high-frequency section and having no dc section in their structure which are used in limited-power supply mains or in no-break power supplies. Method involves control of converter whose frequency is adequate to modulation frequency as part of modulator output voltage by eliminating low-frequency component; to this end modulator is made in the form of several pairs of two-way series-connected transistor switches that short out center-tapped transformer primary semi- windings. Quantity of mentioned pairs and their connection to supply mains depend on neutral condition. Modulator output voltage is regulated by pulse-width modulation using comparison of control and reference signals, the latter signal being shaped for equalizing mean time-step voltages by integration starting from initial zero voltage of supply mains phase thrown in operation at this time step. EFFECT: reduced mass and size and improved output voltage characteristics of frequency converter. 1 cl, 3 dwg