FIELD: medicine, ophthalmology. SUBSTANCE: one should form corneal paracentesis, with the help of special instruments one should widen the pupil. Due to additional and active instrument one should first create initial rupture of capsular sac and then by increasing its duration one should obtain complete circular rupture. Moreover, one should apply technique when it is necessary to take up and apply equatorial part of sac into pupil's area, and with additional instrument - take the necessary part to keep it till applying the additional instrument. For appearance of initial rupture the second capture with active instrument should be performed at the distance of 1.5-2 h against the first rupture, and then, the capture of the next part of the sac one should remove it to conduct anterior vitrectomy at the volume of one third of vitreous body including the area of ciliary body's projection. The method enables to exclude availability of adhesive processes in anterior ocular section at the next relapses of uveitis and, also, considerably decrease intra- and postoperative complications. EFFECT: higher efficiency of therapy. 1 ex