FIELD: optics.
SUBSTANCE: invention lies in projection of images of gratings on surface of object from several directions, in recording of images along one direction and in data processing, which involves processing of Fourier spectra of recorded images and in their summation. Summary spectrum is multiplied by two-dimensional weight function which value in each point of spectral plane is equal to number reciprocal to quantity summed up in this point. Inverse two-dimensional Fourier transform is performed with processed summary spectrum and its result is image presenting collection of complex numbers which arguments are related to sought-for form of surface and which are used for further reconstruction of form of surface of reference three-dimensional object.
EFFECT: development of technique measuring form of surface of three-dimensional object which diminishes area of shadow on object owing to multiangle illumination of object and minimizes information losses in process of frequency filtration of image spectrum.
5 cl, 13 dwg