FIELD: mechanical engineering; internal combustion engines.
SUBSTANCE: according to invention, working mixture in combustion chamber of engine is activated by microwave pulse with frequency of signal not less than natural resonant frequency of combustion chamber. Microwave pulse is applied to working mixture igniting energy pulse so that initial phase of its leading edge leads of ignition for some time. Microwave pulse ignites working mixture in combustion chamber by microwave elecromagnetic field. Pulse of working mixture igniting energy in forced ignition engines gets to working mixture igniter, for instance, spark plug, and in engines with compression ignition, its duration corresponds to duration of fuel injection into combustion chamber through nozzle. Activation of molecules of working mixture by microwave electromagnetic field facilitates ignition of mixture and increases rate of combustion. Duration of microwave pulse after working mixture ignition energy pulse provides maintenance of process of activation of molecules of working mixture in process of combustion.
EFFECT: reduced fuel consumption of engine, facilitated starting of engine at low ambient temperatures.
4 cl, 2 dwg