FIELD: medicine, pediatrics, anesthesiology.
SUBSTANCE: at induction of general anesthesia one should conduct traditional two-lung ventilation at the mode of positive pressure at the end of expiration, on visualizing pleural cavity one should change for high-frequency pulmonary ventilation at respiration frequency being 130-150 cycles/min, respiratory volume of 3-6 l, the ratio of inhalation to expiration being 1:1 and fractional content of oxygen being 0.7-0.8. During performing the stage requiring lung's stillness it is necessary to conduct artificial ventilation in counter-lateral lung at the mode of positive pressure being at the end of expiration, on finishing that stage one should start high-frequency artificial ventilation; operation should be finished with traditional two-lung ventilation. The innovation provides stabilization of hemodynamics and safety of gaseous homeostasis.
EFFECT: higher efficiency.
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