FIELD: medicine, stomatology.
SUBSTANCE: the present innovation deals with gingival retraction, developing retention sites at stump's surface and a groove of 1 mm depth around the stump at gingival level and cylindrical stump-root cavity of about 2-3 mm diameter for the depth of one half of a root canal followed by reinforcing stump-root cavity and external surface of natural stump due to a cavitary fixed dowel, its diameter is not more than cavitary diameter, stump-root part of which is designed as mutually twisted wires of metal gilded netting, and super-stump part - as loose ends of these wires located at external stump's surface and fixed at the level of one half of its height with the help of stump-embracing wire out of the same netting and with the help of composite cement, moreover, final restoration of dental crown part should be performed after additional reinforcing of reinforced stump due to applying netting-stump carcass developed out of metal gilded netting in accordance to the shape of stump's surface and pre-developed groove fixed at a stump and in the cavity. The innovation provides restoration of crown part of canine teeth or uniradicular premolars upon remained natural culture per one visit to a dentist by providing, moreover, reliability, esthetics and prolonged restoration.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of repeated restoration.