FIELD: production of primarily leather-made decorative articles in the form of physical, political, astronomic, and other maps.
SUBSTANCE: proposed method includes wetting natural-leather blank that functions as map base and its drying in stretched condition. Then underside of paper sheet whose surface is pre-tinted by compacted loose material is applied to this blank. Pattern of expected map incorporating data media is made on paper sheet face, outlines of data media parts are step-by-step transferred to base, and appropriate lines are burned out and/or stamped in step-by-step manner. First elements applied to map base are basic ones used as references for entire pattern of map; they are burned out and/or stamped on base. After that smaller items are applied to base whereupon they are burned out and/or stamped. After all items of map pattern are burned out and/or stamped, separate portions of pattern are dyed, major ones being dyed first and minor ones, after them. Then dried dye is wiped, and external surface of map is covered with at least one layer of fixing material.
EFFECT: enhanced life of map pattern, improved decorative effect of proposed map simulating antique maps.
8 cl, 2 dwg