FIELD: medicine, reflexotherapy, curative physical training.
SUBSTANCE: the suggested method consists of seven exercises and to fulfill them one should perform slow movements accompanied with concentrating attention onto acupuncture points. Due to slowly performing rhythmic breathing one should simultaneously mentally imagine that external energy, the so-called energy "tsi" enters the body and comes into acupuncture point J(XIV)6 tsi-khai and while concentrating there causes the feeling of heat, and/or heaviness, and/or burning, and/or fire, and/or vibration. Each out of 7 exercises is constructed so to activate all the areas of vertebral column along its muscular-ligamentous system, and, also, the muscles of anterior abdominal wall. While performing these exercises it is necessary to mentally transform the energy as the feeling of heat, and/or heaviness, and/or burning, and/or fire, and/or vibration along the some acupuncture meridians. Thus, a patient's attention due to mental moving the energy as feelings of heat, or occasional pains, or fire, or vibrations "moves" along closed circle in sagittal plane along the following 12 acupuncture points: 1 - MC(1X)8 (lao-gun) (volar surface), 2 - J(XTV)6 tsi-khai (hypogastric area, inferior dan'-tyan'), 3 - J(XIV)1 khuey-in' (perineum), 4 - T(XIII)4 min-man' (lumbar vertebral department), 5 - T(XIII)12 schen'-chzhu (superior-thoracic vertebral department), 6 - T(XIII)14 da-chzhuj (cervical vertebral department), 7 - T(XIII)17 nao-khu (occipital area), 8 - T(XIII)20 baj-khuej (occipital area), 9 - P3C in'-tan (the center of glabella, the upper dan'-tyan'), 10 - J(XIV)17 tan'-chzhun (sternum, the middle dan'-tyan'), 11 - J(XIV)6 tsi-khaj (hypogastric area, inferior dan'-tyan'), 12 - V(VII)23 shen'-shu (kidneys and adrenal glands). This complex is divided into exercises hypothetically. One movement steadily comes into another, every previous movement induces the next one. Mentally a patient should successively and constantly pass 12 acupuncture points along anterior median, posterior median meridians, those of pericardium and urinary bladder, that is through all departments of vertebral column, muscles of anterior abdominal wall and perineum, kidneys and adrenal glands. Additional stimulation of 2 acupuncture points of "magic meridians" releases body reserve abilities. This stimulates the outburst of endogenous opioids, hormones of antiphlogistic orientation, enables to carry out therapy without usage of medicinal preparations. Remission terms, moreover, prolong up to 3-5 yr.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of therapy.
4 ex, 3 tbl