FIELD: process and equipment for producing similar-shape helical porous piece products of one continuous initial piece.
SUBSTANCE: method is realized due to using cutter for cutting extruded porous product at passing through said product while the last is in state of plastic melt. According to invention tube is used for simplifying process of producing extruded helical porous product. Between said tube and die of extruder gap is created in order to provide access of cutter to extruded product while it leaves hole of die. Access of cutter to extruded product in state of plastic melt is provided before cooling and solidification of said product. Cutter only notches extruded product but it does not cut it completely. That is why pieces of extruded product remain partially joined one to other during the whole process, namely at twisting them by helix in restricting tube. Gap also allows emitting of steam from extruded product being at outlet of die hole. Produced by extrusion notched product is divided by separate pieces at frying or baking.
EFFECT: possibility for producing large number of similar-shape pieces of extruded helical porous product from one continuous initial piece.
39 cl, 15 dwg