FIELD: ship's structural members; shipboard ceilings with hinged framing systems.
SUBSTANCE: according to the first version, ship's ceiling includes intersecting ordinary and web beams of framing system, including hinged beams and plating. Beams of web framing do not get in contact with plating. Web beams are hinged and are located at distance from plating equal to height of main ordinary framing. Ordinary beams of lesser height are located at points where web beams of one direction with main ordinary framing are located directly under them on the plating; spacers may be mounted between web frames and ordinary beams located under them on the plating. According to the second version, web beams coinciding in direction with ordinary framing are hinged above web beams crossing them which are hinged on ordinary framing members. Ordinary beams are located at points at points of location of web beams of one direction with main ordinary framing directly under them on the plating.
EFFECT: increased power intensity on contact actions.
5 cl, 1 dwg