FIELD: transportation of sulfur.
SUBSTANCE: according to proposed method of transportation of elemental sulfur, elemental sulfur is mixed with anhydrous ammonia and/or sulfur dioxide to form fluid mixture which is then transported in container. Method of extraction of elemental sulfur from sulfur containing geological formation, mainly water-free, includes blowing through of geological formation with anhydrous ammonia, obtaining liquid solution of elemental sulfur dissolved in anhydrous ammonia and extraction of elemental sulfur from liquid solution. Method of extraction of elements sulfur from sulfur-containing mineral formation, mainly water-free, includes blowing through of mineral formation with liquid anhydrous ammonia with obtaining liquid solution of elemental sulfur in anhydrous ammonia and extraction of elemental sulfur from liquid solution. Method of storing elements sulfur includes mixing of elemental sulfur and liquid anhydrous ammonia with obtaining liquid solution or suspension and forming deposts from solution or suspension in underground formation, mainly water-free. Composition consisting mainly of solution or suspension is essentially mixture of elemental sulfur with liquid sulfur dioxide.
EFFECT: improved economic characteristics of industrial chemical processes which include presence of sulfur either in elemental or chemically boded form.
32 cl, 9 ex, 4 dwg