FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves performing evaluation of patient health state and polyrheographic examination with expected level of magnetotropic responses of patient to be determined before beginning magnetotherapy treatment course after surgical operation. In cases of compensated and subcompensated state, magnetotherapy treatment is administered immediately after examination accomplished. To determine procedure duration and procedure number in the course, the level of magnetotropic responses is determined more accurately from radiothermal examination data at local level before and after performing a test procedure. Patients having the level of magnetotropic responses high both in test procedure and according to initial state examination, session duration is administered to be 10 min long. Response level being medium, session duration is administered to be 20 min long. To adjust magnetotherapy treatment mode, real level of magnetotropic responses is determined in control time interval by performing polyrheographic and radiothermal examination. The course is interrupted for some days or magnetotherapy treatment session duration is made shorter depending on initial level, when magnetotropic responses are determined to be high. The level of magnetotropic responses is evaluated by applying precalculated discriminant functions. EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness of treatment course after surgical intervention. 3 cl