FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: laboratory animal is fix stomach up. A pathfinder is weaved into a lumen of the chosen department of an esophagus. A sacculated elastic film is put freely on the working end of the pathfinder without fixation. Enter a self-hardening liquid inside the film through the pathfinder in amount sufficient for closing of a lumen of an esophagus. Take out the pathfinder. After formation of a firm foreign substance in an esophagus, a laboratory animal is awakening from a narcosis. In that specific case the self-hardening liquid is entered in amount of 1-50 ml. In that specific case use a solution of medical gypsum or liquid compounds as a self-hardening liquid.
EFFECT: method provides convenience of work of the operator; model close to a natural pathology; increase of reproducibility and modeling simplification.
4 cl, 1 ex