FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: probe of the required diameter is introduced into a stomach of a laboratory animal through a pharynx. An elastic coating hermetically sealed to the probe is made on the working end of the probe. The working end area is filled with a spontaneously inflammable mixed powder. Thereafter, a liquid making the powder inflaming spontaneously is injected into the working end area. Then after the powder burns out intragastrically, the probe is removed. The spontaneously inflammable mixed powder may be presented by a mixture consisting of one weight portion of potassium permanganate and one and a half weight portions of magnesium metal. The liquid making the powder inflaming spontaneously is concentrated sulphuric acid.
EFFECT: simplified method, more accessible manipulations of an experimenter performing an operation, extended range of methods for simulation of interoreceptor thermal burn shock.
3 cl, 1 ex