FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: transmitting and receiving channels of position-finding equipment are adjusted along a single optical axis. Said channels are then aligned onto an angle reflector which is mounted on the nose of a nose dummy missile. The reflected signal is picked up at the centre of a receiving photosensitive array, after which the received signal from the position-finding equipment is aligned onto the area of the water surface under the dummy missile with shift on the angle of elevation Δε, the value of which is calculated using the formula Δε = H/L, where L is the distance between the position-finding equipment and the angle reflector o the dummy missile, H is the height of the dummy missile relative the water surface. A series of measurements of groups of glare emissions formed from the scattering of probing radiation by the side surface of the dummy missile are taken using the receiving array connected to a multichannel information processing unit, and the obtained information is processed in the recording device. As a result, a database is formed for its subsequent statistical averaging and calculation of corresponding probabilities. Said measurements are taken at equal distances L and under the same water surface agitation conditions.
EFFECT: possibility of studying statistical distribution of re-reflections from low-altitude winged missile.
2 cl, 2 dwg