FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: group of inventions refers to medical equipment, aims at giving the underwater vacuum-vortex massage and characterises a method for giving the underwater vacuum-vortex massage, and an apparatus for implementing it. The method for the underwater vacuum-vortex massage provides placing a human body or at least one part thereof under water surface in a bath, and exposing by a special massage apparatus by the skin suction and release successively, which are generated, when the adjoining massage apparatus moves along the body. A water flow is supplied under a head into the massage apparatus, which is swirled in a swirling chamber, and its central portion is evacuated. Beside moving along the human body constantly smoothly, the specific vacuum-vortex exposure of the massage apparatus is generated by manual motions resulting in varying the hydrodynamic fluid flow pattern at the boundary of the massaged parts of body. The massage apparatus comprises a body, which integrates a cavity, inner walls of which form a solid of rotation enclosing connected upper and lower parts of the cavity. The upper part of the cavity forms the swirling chamber and is connected to a pressure water hose through a cyclonic port in the body, providing the ingress of an exciting jet into the swirling chamber at a tangent to a generator line. The lower part of the cavity expands gradually from the swirling chamber to its open output; at the above output, the body is provided with a neck inlet that can smoothly adjoin to the massaged surface of the human body. The neck inlet and at least an adjoining portion of the body comprising the lower portion of the inner cavity are made of elastic hygienic material to vary a geometrical pattern of the neck inlet and the lower portion of the inner cavity by masseur's manual efforts in the process of massage.
EFFECT: group of inventions enables the immediate manual variation of the hydrodynamic vortex fluid radial flow pattern as a massage procedure goes at the boundary of the massaged part of body and a vacuum value in the vacuum cavity of the massage apparatus at a constant pressure and water rate through the massage apparatus.
9 cl, 5 dwg