FIELD: measuring equipment.
SUBSTANCE: disclosed method of determining the position of boundary line of two substances in a vessel, where in the vessel with substances, one above the other, forming a flat horizontal boundary line, vertically section of a long line with length l is placed, filled with substances in accordance with their arrangement in the vessel with terminal horizontal section of fixed length z0, surge substance filling and emptying upon, respectively, delivery of substances into the vessel and their removal from the vessel, in long line section excite electromagnetic oscillations on two different resonance frequencies f
1 and f
2, measuring these resonance frequencies depending on coordinate z of boundary line position in the vessel, additionally excite in section of the long line electromagnetic oscillations at the third resonance frequency f
3, measure f
3 and perform combined functional processing of f
1, f
2 and f
3 according to ratio , where
- voltage at the point with coordinate ξ of long line section with terminal horizontal section excited at resonance frequencies f
1, f
2 and f
3, respectively.
EFFECT: high accuracy of measurements.
1 cl, 2 dwg