FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: device includes a phantom weighing less than 18.2 kg. The phantom contains a control column, an external support structure and a known three-dimensional spatial distribution of elements visualized by MR and computed tomography methods located in a porous support. The external supporting structure, as well as the porous support, is not perceived by MR and CT methods. Spatial distribution has dimensions that allow to completely fill the volume of visualization of the magnetic resonance imaging device. The phantom quality control method comprises the steps of manually lifting the phantom for medical imaging into a magnetic resonance imaging device, obtaining of an MR image of the phantom, and comparison of the locations of the rendered elements from the phantom MR image with the element locations in the previously obtained reference CT image.
EFFECT: quality control assurance due to radiotherapyplanning, so that any MR images used in the LT planning process are within acceptable tolerances.
15 cl, 6 dwg