FIELD: psychophysiology.
SUBSTANCE: to the fields of psychophysiology, psychology, sociology, pedagogy and medicine, and may be used in conducting individual and large-scale studies in the fields of psychophysiology, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, medicine, recruiting and career counseling for determining a person's psychological personality type, and also, on the basis of same, for evaluating psychophysiological and psychological compatibility. Psychological personality type is determined according to C. G. Jung, I. B. Myers, D. Keyrsey. With the help of E. P. Ilin motorial express-methods five properties of human nervous system (NSP) are measured: strength of the nervous system, mobility of the processes of excitation and inhibition, external and internal balances of excitation and inhibition. They define three degrees of severity of properties – high, medium, low, based on the measurements form the individual typological complex (NSP ITC) digital neurodynamic code consisting of 243 combinations and showing their severity. NSP ITC is compared with a digital code that reflects the composition of the known basic NSP TC identified experimentally and causing high expression of basic mental functions in opposite pairs: extraversion E – introversion I; sensing S – intuition N; thinking T – feeling F; judging J or perceiving P so that in each pair a function is distinguished for which the composition of the NSP TC, determining it, to a greater extent coincides with the individual NSP ITC. Form an individual letter code, reflecting the dominant functions in pairs. Determine for a person the one of the 16 known psychological types, the letter code of which completely coincides with the individual letter code, determine the degree of expression of the psychological type as an indicator of the severity of mental functions due to the expressiveness of the properties of the human nervous system.
EFFECT: method allows to increase reliability and objectivity of definition of psychological type of the person of the person at the age of 6 years and is more senior at the expense of application of psychological, psychophysiological methods and the formation on their basis of an individual typological complex of personality properties.
1 cl, 1 ex, 5 tbl