FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, specifically to ophthalmology. For removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye three sclerotomies are performed in meridians 7:30, 10:30, 1:30, ports 23–25 G are installed, sclero-corneal tunnel incision and two corneocentises are performed. That is followed by subtotal vitrectomy and removing the vitreous body together with the posterior hyaloid membrane. Foreign body is captured by means of gluing with inserted into vitreous body through paracentesis of cornea or sclerotomy with silicone tube connected with filled with cyanoacrylate adhesive syringe. Intraocular foreign body is then removed by gradually pulling the silicone tube through the anterior chamber and the cornea or transsclerally. When extracting foreign body from posterior segment of eye intraocular foreign body is captured by means of gluing with silicone tube with diameter of 23–25 G.
EFFECT: method enables to extract magnetic and non-magnetic foreign bodies of different sizes without using a proportional instrument, enables dosed and delicate tightening of a foreign body with its gradual release from the capsule, timely hemostasis, as well as unlimited use of bimanual equipment.
1 cl, 2 ex