FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: offered invention refers to ophthalmology and aims at vitreoretinal surgery. At first, an endoilluminator port is spaced 3-4 mm from limb. It is followed with corneal paracentesis wherever and a tunnel corneal incision in a meridian opposed to a pathological zone of vitreous body and/or retina. Through the tunnel incision, there are carried out anterior circular capsulorhexis of maximum diametre, phacoemulsification or phacoaspiration, intracapsular ring grafting in capsular sac, posterior circular capsulorhexis with its centre displaced towards the tunnel incision. Through anterior and posterior capsulorhexises, vitreous body and/or retina are operated.
EFFECT: technique allows free intraocular manipulation with any surgical tools to enable adequate surgical intervention, possibility of low-injury removal of intraocular foreign bodies Besides, the technique provides to prevent development of complicated and secondary cataract, to reduce injuries of operative intervention and risk of retinal and ciliochoroidal detachment, to prevent development of postoperative hypotonia.
2 ex, 8 dwg