FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine. Method of ultrasonic measurement and visualization of elasticity of biological tissues in real time, which includes: radiation into a biological tissue of a powerful ultrasonic wave beam in a predetermined direction to excite shear waves in tissue, setting a plurality of probing directions and emitting along each direction a plurality of probing ultrasonic pulses, receiving a plurality of ultrasonic response signals of biological tissue on a plurality of probing ultrasonic pulses, determining by means of response signals of movement of tissues caused by propagation of shear waves in a plurality of measurement volumes with different spatial localization, calculating at least one elasticity parameter of biological tissue including the shear wave propagation speed, obtaining an image of at least one elasticity parameter of the biological tissue, measuring the propagation speed of the wave front of the shear wave in a direction perpendicular to the excitation direction, measurement of wavefront velocity along excitation direction, determination of noise level, which occurred when measuring said wavefront velocities, determining the shear wave velocity using the determined wavefront velocities along and perpendicular to the excitation direction, obtaining an image of at least one elasticity parameter of the biological tissue based on the obtained shear wave velocity values and the noise level, and obtaining image of noise level. A device for ultrasonic measurement and visualization of biological tissues elasticity in real time, which comprises: an ultrasonic transducer, a transceiver, a tissue movement computer, a unit for calculating elastic properties of tissues, comprising a tissue elasticity calculator, a unit for accumulating and averaging data, an image converter, an information display device, a unit for calculating elastic properties of tissues with a tissue elasticity calculator further comprises: a wave front speed calculator in a direction perpendicular to the excitation direction, input of which is connected to output of tissue movement calculator, and first output to first input of elasticity calculator, a wave front speed calculator along the excitation direction, the input of which is connected to the tissue movement computer output, and the first output to the second input of the tissue elasticity calculator, the noise level computer, the first input of which is connected to the tissue movement computer output, second and third inputs are connected to other outputs of wave front speed computer, and output to second input of accumulation and averaging unit, comparator, input of which is connected to output of noise computer, and output to first input of accumulation and averaging unit.
EFFECT: technical result consists in improvement of accuracy and reliability of measurements, as well as in improvement of spatial resolution in visualization of parameters of elasticity of biological tissues in real time.
6 cl, 6 dwg