FIELD: means of integrity monitoring.
SUBSTANCE: technical solution relates to means of monitoring integrity of rail threads. In method rail line is short-circuited at one end by shunt, power is supplied from tone frequency generator, shunts are used by wheel pairs of tail car TC; to shunt one generator lead is connected, other terminal of which is connected through two parallel opposite connected windings of control transformer CT to semi-axes of wheel pair of trailing truck TT, between which there is an insulator; because of counter winding of windings on third winding CT is not induced EMF, which indicates good condition of rail threads; when one of the rail threads is damaged on the third CT winding, EMF signal is generated, this signal is transmitted to computation machine ECMB, which by means of GLONASS PGL receiver fixes coordinate of damage point and generates order for transmission to radio station to receiving station; to check integrity of rail threads integrity control device every hundred meters to one of rails is connected low-resistance bypass connector with length of five meters, by means of which rail damage is simulated, at that to the receiving station the information on the connector coordinate is transmitted, which is perceived as a signal of the integrity of the rail threads integrity monitoring device; received signal makes it possible to determine coordinates of tail car.
EFFECT: achieving the functions of rail integrity monitoring and free track section behind the train tail.
2 cl, 5 dwg