FIELD: food industry.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the food industry. A method for determining antibiotics in raw milk is proposed, which includes sampling raw milk; preparation of a buffer solution with a pH selected from the range of 4.0-8.0; application of the resulting buffer solution to the electrodes of electrochemical sensors; carrying out measurements of raw milk samples using a sensor platform consisting of a test strip and a potentiostat, where the test strip with electrodes is an array of electrodes, while a selective layer is applied to the surface of the electrodes by chemical modification of the surface using polyelectrolytes, and an aptamer is used as a selective element, while the potentiostat includes modules for applying and removing an electrical signal, modules for converting and transmitting a signal; processing and analysis of the received electrical signals.
EFFECT: method provides a fast and accurate way to determine the presence and amount of antibiotics in raw milk.
3 cl, 1 ex